Bestätigen Sie Ihr Land oder Gebiet. Confirm your country to access relevant pricing, special offers, events, and contact information. Compact, multichannel vector signal generator capable of signal generation up to 8. Enable faster, flexible testing for Explore engineer-authored content and a vast knowledge base with thousands of learning opportunities. Keysight Learn offers immersive content on topics of interest, including solutions, blogs, events, and more. Quick access to the most frequent support related self-help tasks. Additional content to support your product needs. Choose a country or area to see content specific to your location. Aktivieren Sie Browser-Cookies, damit Sie die Funktionen der Webseite optimal nutzen können. Enable Javascript and browser cookies for improved site capabilities and performance. Chat Live. Contact Us. Willkommen Willkommen You are signed as: Mein Profil Abmelden. Log into Keysight Anmeldung Registrieren. Bitte bestätigen Confirm your country to access relevant pricing, special offers, events, and contact information. Select locale Bestätigen. Open main menu. Products Oscilloscopes Real-Time Oscilloscopes — General Purpose Real-Time Oscilloscopes — Compliance Equivalent-Time Sampling Oscilloscopes Handheld, Modular, and USB Oscilloscopes Oscilloscope Software Oscilloscope Probes All Oscilloscopes. Digital Multimeters DMM Phase Noise Measurement Shark Dating Simulator Nackt Unzensiert Meters and Power Sensors Counters LCR Meters and Impedance Measurement Products Picoammeters and Electrometers. EDA Software Instrument Measurement Software Instrument Workflow Software Software Testing All Design and Test Software. Channel Emulators IoT Regulatory Compliance Solutions Wireless Drive Test Radio Access and Core Network Test Wireless Analyzers Wireless Network Emulators 5G NR Base Station Test Over-The-Air Test. PXI Products AXIe Products Data Acquisition Systems DAQ USB Products VXI Products Reference Solutions All Modular Instruments. Application and Threat Intelligence Cloud Test Cyber Training Simulator Network Test Hardware Synthetic Traffic Generators New Protocol and Load Test Network Security Test Network Modeling Device Vulnerability Analysis All Network Test and Security. Bypass Switches Clock Synchronization Cloud Visibility Network and Application Monitoring Network Packet Brokers Network Taps All Network Visibility. Support Services Managed Services Financial Alternatives All Services. In-Circuit Test Systems Application-Specific Test Systems and Components Parametric Test Solutions Photonic Test and Measurement Products Laser Interferometers and Calibration Systems Monolithic Laser Combiners and Precision Optics MMIC Millimeter-Wave and Microwave Devices. All Products. NA MXG Vector Signal Generator. Buy now. Introducing the Industry's Highest-Bandwidth Probe. Explore probes. Explore Resources. Im Fokus. Search all resources.
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