During breathing — in the process of constant exchange and crossing of boundaries between the organism and its environme. German Pages [] Year DOWNLOAD FILE. Environmental law envisions ecological systems as existing in an equilibrium state, reinforcing a rigid legal framework. How do learners and speakers make sense of their language and make their language make sense? Is it dived or dove? This monograph, co-authored by three longtime collaborators, aims to promote the interdisciplinary field of mathematical. Traditionally, philosophers have argued that epistemology is a normative discipline and therefore occupied with an a pri. For years, students of social movements and other forms of contentious action have been sharply divided over what motiva. The chronological and geographical focus of this volume is medieval northern Europe, from the 6th to the 15th centuries. Seven experts, representing a variety of disciplinary perspectives, discuss specific reform efforts in a number of socia. This textbook provides an overview of economic perspectives on sustainability. It synthesises economic, ecological and i. Ausbleibende Hautatmung im Bildnis Toni Overbeck von Gerta Overbeck? Der Atem als Souveränitätspolitikum bei Marcel Duchamp Das Private dringt in die Öffentlichkeit. Zur Ikonographie von Atmung und Atemnot im Science Fiction-Film Toxische Atmosphären. Ökologische Konzepte des Kuratierens bei Harald Szeemann Der Sex Treff Trondheim Sexsy Damer der Architektur? Klimakammern der Moderne und Gegenwart: Mies van der Rohe, Philippe Rahm und Terrain Breathing Skins. Gestalterische, ökologische und soziale Dimensionen Breath. Morphological, Ecological and Social Dimensions Atem. This publication was generously supported by Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity. This does not apply to the images used in the publication nor to material from other sources marked with an indication of the source in the Image Creditssuch as graphics, illustrations, photos and quoted text excerpts. Their subsequent use is not permitted without prior agreement. Atem als formgebendes Material Contents Atem, Identität, Affekt Breath, Identity, Affect Lars Blunck Atemnot und schöner Atem. Michael Pinskys Pollution Pods und die Evidenz des Atmens Gloria Sutton The Politics of Breath: Reanimating the Air Art of Hans Haacke and Lygia Clark as Models of Social Critique Räume und Ökologien des Atems Spaces and Ecologies of Breath Elke Anna Werner Die Ausstellung als Atemraum. Ökologische Konzepte des Kuratierens bei Harald Szeemann Ole W. Fischer Der Atem der Architektur? This text is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivatives 4. All images are excluded from the license, see imprint and Sex Treff Trondheim Sexsy Damer credits. The event represented an extraordinary opportunity for personal exchange and encounter that was to become rare if not impossible only a few months later with the outbreak of the Covid pandemic. The period that followed shaped this project in many ways, bringing forth a new, profoundly social awareness of breath and breathability, experienced as an immediate response about our connectedness to our surroundings and the reciprocity of individual and collective actions. We were to discover the limits of breathing in public, the correlation between the vulnerability of the respiratory system and the problem of air pollution, the extent of our dependence on healthcare and automated life support systems, and the risk of contagion in indoor, hermetically enclosed environments with re-circulated air. On a broader level than any of these specific relationships, the narratives surrounding the pandemic and the mechanisms for confronting it offered a picture of our capacity to address and act on other systemic issues, such as climate change, ecological crises and social justice — issues all inextricably linked to the conditions of sustaining breath and life. In order to describe the entanglements between breath, ecology and social life, we decided to turn our attention both to their historical accounts in art and architecture, and to their current, critical status. Gestalterische, ökologische und soziopolitische Dimensionen, —Gegenwart took place in Septemberorganized by Dr. Linn Burchert in cooperation with Dr. Rebecca Schönsee and Prof. Preface X California in the autumn of Fig. We might think of the iconic paintings of J. Turner, in which the atmospheric mixtures of natural elements and industrial fumes articulate the experiences of emerging modernity. Around the Sex Treff Trondheim Sexsy Damer time, chronic lung and infectious diseases were rampant in Victorian Britain, especially in impoverished, industrial housing areas, and the desire for fresh air became a central trope in both life and cultural production, paving the way for the development of remedies and technologies for treating air and its deficiency that are still relevant today.
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