For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click here. Scientific interest in body modifications continues to grow, and tattoos have recently become a subject of empirical aesthetics. While conceptual structures of tattoo aesthetics have been studied, the question of how tattoos are aesthetically appreciated has not yet been studied. In this study, we examined how tattoos influence the aesthetic appreciation of human stimuli and uncovered differences in beauty perceived by individuals older and younger than 50, which we consider indicative of different internalized social norms, experts tattoo artists and nonexperts, and tattooed and nontattooed individuals. The results suggest overall group differences experts vs. These findings confirm that tattoos influence aesthetic appreciation, which is highly dependent on expertise and social norms as indicated by age. We also discuss the generalizability and implications of the findings. Citation: Weiler SM, Duer C, Krämer D, Jacobsen T Effects of tattoos on the aesthetic appreciation of human stimuli as influenced by expertise, tattoo status, and age reflecting internalized social norms. PLoS ONE 19 12 : e Received: October 31, ; Accepted: November 3, ; Published: December 11, This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Data Availability: Data Availability: The Nicki Prostituierte Large Amputiert can be found here: Title: Dataset for: Effects of tattoos on the aesthetic appreciation of Nicki Prostituierte Large Amputiert stimuli as influenced by expertise, tattoo status, and internalized social norms. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Tattoos hold a deep cultural significance, which this study aims to explore beyond just their historical and social contexts by focusing on how people aesthetically appreciate them. The reasons for acquiring a tattoo are at least as multifaceted as the motifs and styles of the tattoos themselves [ 310 ]. Tattoos have deep mental functions for their wearers, representing more to them than mere fashion [ 311 ]. The recent Review of Weiler et al. These findings are of particular interest in the context of research on mating choices in evolutionary psychology [e. However, prior research suggests that perceived physical attractiveness may be influenced by internalized social norms and expertise [ 13 ]. Tattoos, once marginalized in early 20th-century Western cultures [ 3 ], saw a resurgence in popularity from the late s, often symbolizing rebellion and individuality, particularly among subgroups such as bikers [ 1415 ]. This trend towards increasing acceptance continued into the s, described as a second renaissance by DeMello [ 14 ], leading to tattoos becoming widely accepted in some social classes [ 1416 — 22 ]. While tattoos have reached popularity in the Western world, their acceptance varies globally, with some non-Western cultures maintaining restrictive views: South Korea, for instance, has only recently begun to soften its stance on tattoos, still requiring them Nicki Prostituierte Large Amputiert be done by certified physicians [ 23 ]. At the same time, even in the Western world, tattooed individuals continue to experience discrimination, stigmatization, repression, and even bans [ 152425 ]. Inthe European Union decided to ban the use of numerous tattoo inks due to the health risks posed by specific ink ingredients [ 26 ], and this ban went into effect at the beginning of [ 26 ]. Many tattooed individuals face discrimination in their personal and professional lives—for instance, they may have lower chances of being hired and are more likely to be judged negatively in job interviews [ 27 ]. Tattooed individuals are particularly disadvantaged in occupations characterized by intense customer contact and a need for trust [ 28 ]. As a Nicki Prostituierte Large Amputiert of discrimination and career-specific disadvantages, some individuals wear their tattoos in a hidden manner, or even decide against getting more tattoos [ 29 ]. Sometimes, to avoid further negative experiences, individuals even have their tattoos partially removed [ 30 ]. Regarding expertise, it has been found that experts generally differ from nonexperts in their preference for works of art with higher complexity [e. In a first study on the conceptual structure of tattoo aesthetics, experts also differed from nonexperts in presenting a clear positivity bias and mentioning terms referring Nicki Prostituierte Large Amputiert aesthetic dimensions e. This study posits that expertise in tattooing—characterized by a nuanced appreciation for complexity and artistry—will correlate with higher aesthetic ratings for tattoos, reflecting a deeper understanding of the art form. Building on this basic assumption, the appreciation of tattooed individuals has become the subject of recent psychological research [ 121341 ]. For example, [ 13 ] established an experimental paradigm in which participants were presented with stimuli consisting of photographs of male models with and without tattoos, edited using a raster graphics editor. Participants were then asked to rate the presented stimuli in terms of several attributes, such as personality traits [ 121341 ]. In addition to personality traits, the influence of tattoos on perceived attractiveness has also been investigated [ 1213 ]. Male participants have been found to perceive male tattooed stimuli as more attractive, while female participants showed no difference in their appreciation of the same male tattooed and nontattooed stimuli [ 13 ]. Regarding different intensities of tattoos, no differences have been found in terms of perceived attractiveness [ 12 ]: Stimuli with large tattoos were not perceived as significantly more attractive than stimuli with medium-sized tattoos. Because of the partially conflicting results, it remains unclear whether tattoos increase or diminish aesthetic appreciation. Molloy and Wagstaff [ 12 ] suggested that the type, size, and position of the motif play a crucial role in appreciation and may thus affect the replicability of study results. Based on the influence of personality factors, we also explore whether individual differences, such as having tattoos, affect the aesthetic appreciation of tattoos, hypothesizing that tattooed individuals will have a more favorable view. The appreciation of tattooed individuals has been studied in various contexts over the last two decades [e. It has also been found that members of older generations are more critical and discriminatory towards tattooed individuals and rate them as less intelligent and sincere [ 43 ]. Young adults in the Western world are also influenced by tattoos [ 1341 ]. For instance, it has been shown that tattooed men are perceived as more attractive and more dominant, Nicki Prostituierte Large Amputiert also as worse partners and fathers [ 1213 ]. An overall tendency towards positive appreciation of tattoos among younger generations in the United States could carry over to subsequent generations [ 44 ].
Marschallek BE, Weiler SM, Jörg M, Jacobsen T. The use of so-called nonevaluative-descriptive judgments is common in the psychology of aesthetics and is applied alongside the use of evaluative judgments [ ]. Association between sexual orientations of individuals and perceptions of tattooed men. J Hosp Tour Res. Rehm D. Browse Subject Areas?
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